Christmas is the time that reinforces the values of giving and sharing. At Pathway centre for rehabilitation, we aim not only to inculcate these values in the children but also help them learn to implement these in innovative but ecologically responsible ways. Our latest figurine crafted by the children is a prime example of this.
The special children at Pathway vocational centre have hand-made a twelve-piece Nativity figure-set which is a brain child of Chandra Prasad the Hony.Director and Co-Founder of this institution. What is different about these particular figures compared to the already existing ones, you may ask – this entire set is made completely from newspaper. Previously, a similar set had been made but it had been made with beads. This was sent to all overseas patrons of Pathway.
The children, under the guidance of expert team of vocational teachers -Ms Linda, Ms Radha, Ms Porkodi, Ms Priya and Mr Ashirvatham, enthusiastically jumped at the idea when a patron of Pathway, Mr Keyne Monson put forth his request that a set be made with newspaper this year. The children’s willingness to try something new is commendable. The first set took little over two months to be completed. Twenty five number of children were involved in the making of these dolls. The staff are confident that the next sets will be processed quicker – the children are quick learners and are quite proud of their accomplishment – as they rightly should be.

The hand-made nativity scene depicts the scene of the birth of Baby Jesus couple of days after he is born when the three wise men visit him. An angel has announced the birth of infant Jesus to the shepherds who then visit the humble site of his birth – the stable where he is found lying in a manger. This scene comprises of the new-born Baby Jesus, Mother Mary, Joseph, a camel and a sheep in the stable, three wise men, who come bearing gifts and the shepherd.
These figurines are all made from and decked out in newspaper. The size of the dolls are around 11 to 12 inches. The clothes for the three wise men are also made from paper but what enriches them is that they are woven to give it a rich-look. The faces are made with paper mache moulds to give them a life-like appearance and each face has an individuality that makes it stand apart from the others.
The children eagerly await Christmas this year – it is a wait that we all are impatient for; to see the fruits of their labour being enjoyed and appreciated by everyone.